How to write an analysis paper
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Manal Faleh Essays - Characters In Macbeth, English-language Films
Manal Faleh Teacher Kristen Mistler AP English 12 15 December 2016 Macbeth Timed Writing (1999) Laurence Stern once composed that nobody can sentiment of having your brain pulling in two separate ways, aside from he who is feeling it himself. In Shakespeare's disaster, Macbeth, there is a conspicuous case of this inclination. Macbeth's wants and desire pull him among light and dimness, causing at fight in the internal corners of his psyche. Drawing from one theme in this play, we see that Macbeth is depicted as a devoted general, aristocrat, and hireling of King Duncan and Scotland all in all. This would speak to the light inside Macbeth, before the debasement of intensity. When Banquo and Macbeth hear the prescience from the three witches, the two of them measly dismiss it, and even make mocking jokes. We initially start to see the light, or great, in Macbeth in this very scene. The idea of turning out to be Thane of Cawdor, and one day, King of Scotland, didn't enroll in Macbeth's psyche until he was, to be sure, selected Thane of Cawdor. One piece of the prediction has demonstrated valid, and this just stirs the yearn for accomplishment in Macbeth. Now in the play, we witness light's sister theme, haziness, crawling up on Macbeth. Since he has experienced thriving, he just becomes hungry for additional. After imparting the updates on the prescience to his significant other, Lady Macbeth, she turns into the main thrust of Macbeth's inquiries of his devotion to King Duncan. He completely comprehends the outcomes of homicide, and even confesses to gambling interminable perdition to arrive at his desire. We note the two clashing headings of Macbeth's psyche when he consents to submit the homicide, however transfers his interests and weakness to Lady Macbeth. Woman Macbeth disgraces Macbeth by revealing to him he is definitely not a genuine man, since he isn't acing on his craving to become ruler. She in the long run persuades him to carry out the thing. In the prompt minutes after the homicide, Macbeth show dread and lament. Still it cried Sleep no more!' to all the house: Glamis hath murder'd rest, and thusly Cawdor Shall rest no more; Macbeth will rest no more. (Act 11, Scene 11, Lines 701-703) His hands contacted with blood, meaning the blame behind the homicide. To tie the contention among light and murkiness to the abstract work in general, we are demonstrated that frequently, it might appear as if obscurity accomplishes the objectives and aspirations nearby, yet everything accompanies a cost. Macbeth experienced distrustfulness, duplicity, and the self destruction of Lady Macbeth. Dimness in the long run surpassed Macbeth all in all, even down to the insignificant minutes before his end.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Stock Price Reaction To Annual Earnings Announcements
Stock Price Reaction To Annual Earnings Announcements Any choice completed by the administration of any association needs sufficient, exact and exact data, based on that data the administration gets their examination and attempt choice. On the off chance that choice to be taken includes any monetary perspective, this expands the degree and exactness of the data. Money related choices require satisfactory and precise data; hence, it is significant that the conduct of individual market is explored for educated monetary dynamic, Oguzusy and Guiven (2003). In this regard numerous speculations were introduced. One of them is about the market productivity which is named as effective market speculation (EMH). The idea of market proficiency had been foreseen toward the start of the century by Bachelier (1900) in his paper. Fama (1970) arranged market effectiveness in three classes in particular, feeble structure, semi solid structure and solid type of proficiency; frail type of productivity which characterizes as one cannot gain strange return by doing specialized investigation of the market or of a specific stock. Specialized examination implies anticipating future costs by considering recorded costs of a specific offer or a market. The Second type of productive market speculation (EMH) is semi-solid type of proficiency. This type of market productivity makes incomprehensible for a speculator to acquire additional arrival on security by knowing the openly accessible data; this incorporates companys money related outcomes, a specific occas ion or news which influences the organization the offer costs modify quickly with these new freely accessible data thusly overabundance return cannot be procure by exchanging on that data. The last type of effective market theory (EMH) is the solid type of proficiency and can be characterize as offer costs mirrors all open and private data (insider data) and thusly it isn't workable for an investor to procure additional arrival based on these data. As indicated by proficient market speculation (EMH) the stock costs in a productive market completely mirror their venture esteem Ajayi, Mehdian Perry (2004). The security evaluating process promptly appropriate the accessible data in a productive market and it is preposterous to expect to beat an effective market that by utilizing information mining, exchanging procedure or by any specialized investigation to get reliably irregular returns. Productive market speculation (EMH) expected that (1) All financial specialists have cost-less access to as of now accessible data about what's to come. (2) They are acceptable investigators; and (3) They give close consideration to the market procedure and modify their property suitably. Numerous models including Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) unit root test, change proportion test (VR), Ljung Box Q-insights, and Durbin Watson‘d measurements have been founded on this idea of educational productivity of capital markets. Anyway the late seventies and the eighties acquired confirmations scrutinizing the legitimacy and featuring different inconsistencies identified with the Stock market productivity. There are many centered investigations that show the conceivable exchanging procedures yielding strange paces of return utilizing the chronicled information and openly accessible data precluding the viability of business sectors. The exact examinations confirming the wastefulness are comprehensively identified with the accompanying: (1) The low cost gaining (P/E) impact: Researches show that stocks with low cost procuring (P/E) proportions earned more for financial specialists, which is conflicting to Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). Fama and French (1995) found that market and size factors in profit help clarify market and size factors in returns. (2) The little firm and ignored firm impacts: Banz (1981), Reinganum (1981) and different specialists show the size or little firm impact in stock return. Their examination bolster the proof that little firm with low capitalization can procure better yields than the enormous firm with huge capitalization. (3) Market over and under response: DeBondt and Thaler (1985, 1987) present proof that is predictable with stock costs over responding to current changes in income. They report positive (negative) assessed anomalous stock returns for portfolios that recently produced second rate (predominant) stock cost and winning execution. This could be understood as the earlier period stock value conduct over responding to profit advancements (Bernard, 1993). (4) The January impact: The January impact in stock returns was recorded by numerous scientists. Their examination recommended that January has a best yield when contrasted with different months. January impact was first found by Rozeff and Kinney (1976) for US securities exchanges. Later different scientists like Gultekin and Gultekin (1983), Chang and Pinegar (1986) reported a similar outcome for different nations financial exchanges. (5) The week day impact: This alludes to the perception that stocks return are not autonomous of the day of the week impact. A remarkable abnormality is the Monday impact in day by day stock returns, which recommends that stock returns are altogether lower or negative on Mondays comparative with other week days. This ‘Monday impact has been widely analyzed not just in U.S. resource advertises however in global markets too, for instance French (1980), Lakonishok and Levi (1982), Mehdian Perry (2001) and Lakonishok Smidt (1988). In week day impact the last exchanging day that is Friday was described with a positive return and the primary exchanging day that is Monday is portrayed with a low or negative return. Later this fascinating investigation was likewise done on different nations financial exchanges and the scientists discovered a similar outcome, yet at the same time not many examinations has been done on developing Asian securities exchanges. Karachi Stock Exchange (Kse) The Karachi Stock Exchange contracted as KSE is a stock trade situated in Karachi, Pakistan. It was established in 1947 and is countrys biggest and most seasoned stock trade, with the two Pakistani and abroad postings. It is likewise the second most established stock trade in South Asia. From its initiation in 1947, it has done an astounding advancement. In 1950s, just 05 organizations recorded and 90 individuals were there on the trade and toward the finish of 2007 the quantity of recorded organizations expanded by 666 which make a sum of 671 recorded organizations and the part on the trade goes up from 90 to 200 during these years. Its present premises are arranged in the core of Karachis Business District, on Stock Exchange Road. History KSE is the greatest and most fluid trade. It was perceived worldwide for performing admirably in 2002 by Business Week magazine. US paper, USA Today, named Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) as a standout amongst other performing bourses on the planet. As of December 20, 2007, 671 organizations were recorded with the market capitalization of Rs.4364.312 billion (US$ 73 Billion) having recorded capital of Rs.717.3 billion (US$ 12 billion). Around the same time, the KSE 100 Index arrived at its ever most noteworthy worth and shut down at 14,814.85 focuses. Exchanging Time The exchanging hours are from 9:45am to 2:15pm on weekdays and 9:30am to 1:30pm on Friday. Development The start of the trade was low with a list of 50 offers as it were. As the market grew, an agent list was required. On November first, 1991 the KSE-100 file was presented and till present it is the most for the most part acknowledged proportion of the trade. The need to reconfirm for all offer records was felt in 1995 and to give the start of list exchanging future. Also, this was accomplished on 29th of August, 1995, building all offer records and presented on eighteenth of September, 1995. Remote interests were dynamic on KSE in 2006 and the intrigue proceeded in 2007 too. As indicated by the assessments given by State Bank of Pakistan, outside interest in capital markets aggregate about US$523 Million. As per an examination investigator in Pakistan, around 20% of the absolute free buoy in KSE-30 Index is held by outside members. There is an arrangement to assemble elevated structure for the KSE as another heading to future speculations. The choice was taken by the top managerial staff, Karachi stock trade (KSE). Questions among financial specialists and individuals from the Exchange are settled through consultations of the Arbitration Committee of the Exchange. Kse †100 Index Karachi Stock Exchange 100 Index (KSE-100 Index) is a benchmark and stock file used to analyze costs extra time. In deciding delegate organizations to figure the record, organizations with the most noteworthy market capitalization are chosen. To guarantee full market portrayal, the organization with the most elevated market capitalization from every division is likewise included. The rundown of 100 organizations recorded in Karachi Stock Exchange is introduced in Table # 01. The Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) has likewise propelled the KSE-30 Index with base estimation of 10,000 focuses, executed from September 1, 2006. The primary element of this record is that it dependent on the free-buoy of offers, as opposed to based on settled up capital which vary it from the different files. Not at all like the Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) which speaks to add up to return of the market, KSE-30 record is balanced for profits and right offers. That is, the point at which an organization reports a profit, the different records at Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) are not diminished for that measure of profit. Though KSE-30 Index is balanced for profits and right offers as it were Table # 01 Rundown of 100 Companies recorded In Karachi Stock Exchange †100 Index No. Organization Name No. Organization Name 1 Pakistan Refinery 51 Pakistan Telecom. Co.Ltd 2 EFU General Ins 52 Sui North Gas 3 Pakistan Reinsur 53 New Jubilee Insurance 4 EFU Life Assurance 54 Mybank Limited 5 Dawood Herc. 55 WorldCall Telecom 6 Ist.Capital Securities 56 D.G.Khan Cement 7 Mari Gas 57 Pakistan State Oil 8 Siemens Pakistan 58 PICIC G
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Everything Your Need to Know About Irony
Everything Your Need to Know About Irony Hearkening back to the infamous Alanis Morissette song, Ironic, its first most important to recognize that rain on your wedding day isnt ironic. Winning the lottery and then dying the next day is also not ironic. Both are just instances of bad luck.One reason why irony is often confused with bad luck is because they can be used to describe similar situationsâ€"but the words themselves are the difference between simple bad luck and actual ironic turn of events. For example, if you are on your way to an important meeting that could mean a significant job raise but end up being late and therefore not receiving the raiseâ€"thats bad luck. However, if the reason you were late is because you were busy bragging about how youre always on time for anything importantâ€"thats ironic.Its easy to get confused about what irony means and how to correctly identify it. Not only are there multiple types of irony, but its use is not meant to be pointed out directly to the reader. In fact, Bob Harris, i n his New York Times article, Isnt It Ironic? Probably Not, quotes the Times style book with the following:[The use] of irony and ironically, to mean an incongruous turn of events, is trite. Not every coincidence, curiosity, oddity and paradox is an irony, even loosely. And where irony does exist, sophisticated writing counts on the reader to recognize it.Bob Harris in New York TimesSo, lets take a look at what irony is, the different types of it, and some examples of it used correctly in literature and life.Verbal ironyWhen you say one thing and mean another, that is verbal irony. Think of it as the times in which the words you use contradict what is expected. In these cases, there are underlying meanings that contrast with the literal meaning of what you intend to communicate. Most importantly, it takes a certain level of intelligence on behalf of the audience to understand when irony is occurring. As a writer, you cant point out if something is ironicâ€"it must be understood by t he audience to have full effect.Sarcasm, exaggeration/overstatement, and understatement are all types of verbal irony. However, not all verbal irony is sarcastic. Think of sarcasm as having a more biting, derogatory undertone.ExamplesAn example of verbal irony can be found in Johnathan Swifts essay, A Modest Proposal.[…] whoever could find out a fair, cheap, and easy method of making these children sound, useful members of the commonwealth, would deserve so well of the public as to have his statue set up for a preserver of the nation.I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee or a ragout.A Modest Proposal by Jonathan SwiftAnother example would be a character who has been in an awful car wreck and suffered major physical injury being asked h ow they are feeling, only to respond Ive never felt better!Situational ironySituational irony is when something occurs that is incongruous with what is expected to occur. Photo by Judeus Samson on Unsplash.Situational irony is when a situation occurs that is ironic. Specifically, it is when something occurs that is incongruous with what is expected to occur. Whereas verbal irony requires a speaker to evoke irony through their words, situational irony can be recognized by a reader without any words spoken.Situational irony, at its core, shows the differences between reality and expectations, and can be an excellent literary device to hone in on this incongruency. It reinforces the idea that in many ways, control is an illusion.ExamplesOne example of situational irony in literature is the plot of The Gift of the Magi, a short story by O. Henry. The story is of two lovers who are poor but want to buy their beloved a Christmas gift to show the depths of their affection. Della, the young wife, sells her hair to buy a fob chain for her husbands most precious possessionâ€"a pocket watch.However, unknown to Della, her husband, Jim, has sold his pocket watch to buy her a giftâ€"ornamental combs for her long hair. As the gifts are exchanged, the couple realizes that each of their gifts is now useless. Jim no longer has a pocket watch to use with his wifes gift, and Della no longer has long hair that can be put into the ornamental combs Jim bought for her.Another example is the poem, Messy Room, by Shel Silverstein. In it, the narrator begins by berating the occupant of a room that has been left in disarray. By the end of the poem, however, the narrator recognizes it as being his own room.Whosever room this is should be ashamed!His underwear is hanging on the lamp.His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.His workbook is wedged in the window,His sweaters been thrown on the floor.His scarf and one ski are beneath the TV, And his pants have been carelessly hung on the door.His books are all jammed in the closet,His vest has been left in the hall.A lizard named Ed is asleep in his bed,And his smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall.Whosever room this is should be ashamed!Donald or Robert or Willie orâ€"Huh? You say its mine? Oh, dear,I knew it looked familiar!A non-literary example of situational irony would be a party that is planned indoors to avoid being out in the heat of summer. However, on the day of the party, the outdoor temperatures drop to a comfortable 70 degrees with a soft breeze blowing, while the air conditioning on the inside breaks, leaving the party room hot and stuffy with no windows to open.Dramatic ironyDramatic irony occurs in fictional or dramatic works and is a device the writer uses to allow the audience to know crucial information that the character does not know. According to allowing the audience to know important facts ahead of the leading charact ers, dramatic irony puts the audience and readers above the characters, and also encourages them to anticipate, hope, and fear the moment when a character would learn the truth behind events and situations of the story.More often, this irony occurs in tragedies, where readers are led to sympathize with leading characters Thus, this irony emphasizes the fatality of incomplete understanding on honest and innocent people, and demonstrates the painful consequences of misunderstandings.Literarydevices.netExampleOne of the most famous examples of dramatic irony in fiction is in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. The moment that Romeo ingests the poison, thinking his beloved Juliet to be dead, the audience knows that Juliet is very much alive. The letter announcing her plans to fake her own death never arrived to Romeo, thus keeping him from knowing the truth while the audience is aware of it.Another example of Shakespeares extensive use of dramatic irony occurs in Macbeth, when Duncan announces his trust for Macbeth while being unaware of the witches prophecy. In that prophecy, which the audience knows, it is revealed that Macbeth will be king and would kill Duncan.Cosmic ironyWhile not a part of the more well-known types of irony (verbal, situational, and dramatic), cosmic irony is a type of irony youll often find in philosophical discussions. It is a subtype of situational irony and is also known as the Irony of fate. In essence, it is the belief that the fates (or God/gods) enjoy toying with humanity, either for their own amusement or for some greater experiment.Cosmic irony is the belief that the fates (or gods) enjoy toying with humanity. Photo by NASA on Unsplash.ExamplesA literary example of cosmic irony is found in Thomas Hardys Tess of the dUrbervilles. In this work, the main character, who is innocent, loses everything to tragedy. Eventually, she dies, and Hardy ends the novel with the words: Justice was done, and the President of the Immortals (in the Aeschylean phrase) had ended his sport with Tess.Historical ironyHistorical irony is when an event occurs that is in juxtaposition to a claim or situation that contradicts it.ExamplesOtto Lilienthal, who created the flying glider, once stated: No one can realize how substantial the air is, until he feels its supporting power beneath him. It inspires confidence at once. However, the historical irony comes from the fact that Lilienthal was later killed during one of his flying experiments when the air was, in fact, not substantial enough to keep him from falling.Margaret Thatcher, the first female prime minister of the UK, stated in 1973 that she didnt believe there would be a woman prime minister in her lifetime.Using irony in your writingIrony is a fantastic device at any writers disposal to add a sense of wonder, fate, or even comedy to their story. Using it to juxtapose that which is expected versus reality not only adds depth to your writing but its also fun for your reader to r ecognize it when it occurs.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Spanish Verb Estudiar Conjugation, Usage, and Examples
Estudiar is a simple Spanish verb that means to study. It is a regular -ar verb, so it is conjugated similarly to other regular -ar verbs such as esperar, arreglar, and doblar. The verb estudiar can be used in any context when you would use the English verb to study, such as studying for an exam (estudiar para un examen). However, estudiar can also mean to consider, examine, or look into something, such as estudiar la posibilidad (consider the possibility) or estudiar una situacià ³n (examine a situation). In this article you can find the conjugations of estudiar in the present, past, conditional, and future indicative, the present and past subjunctive, the imperative, and other verb forms. Present Indicative Notice that in Spanish, the present tense can be used to talk about ongoing actions, which in English is only done with the present progressive. For example, Yo estudio arquitectura would most likely be translated as I am studying architecture. Yo estudio Yo estudio para ser doctora. I am studying to be a doctor. Tà º estudias Tà ºestudias italiano. You study Italian. Usted/à ©l/ella estudia Ellaestudia mucho para el examen. She studies a lot for the exam. Nosotros estudiamos Nosotrosestudiamos con nuestros compaà ±eros. We study with our classmates. Vosotros estudià ¡is Vosotrosestudià ¡is la situacià ³n cuidadosamente. You study the situation carefully. Ustedes/ellos/ellas estudian Ellosestudian en la biblioteca. They study in the library. Preterite Indicative There are two past tenses in Spanish. The preterite is used to describe past events that are completed. Yo estudià © Yo estudià © para ser doctora. I studied to be a doctor. Tà º estudiaste Tà ºestudiaste italiano. You studied Italian. Usted/à ©l/ella estudià ³ Ellaestudià ³ mucho para el examen. She studied a lot for the exam. Nosotros estudiamos Nosotrosestudiamos con nuestros compaà ±eros. We studied with our classmates. Vosotros estudiasteis Vosotrosestudiasteis la situacià ³n cuidadosamente. You studied the situation carefully. Ustedes/ellos/ellas estudiaron Ellosestudiaron en la biblioteca. They studied in the library. Imperfect Indicative The other past tense is the imperfect, which describes past actions that were ongoing or repeated. It can be translated to English as was studying or used to study. Yo estudiaba Yo estudiaba para ser doctora. I used to study to be a doctor. Tà º estudiabas Tà ºestudiabas italiano. You used to study Italian. Usted/à ©l/ella estudiaba Ellaestudiaba mucho para el examen. She used to study a lot for the exam. Nosotros estudià ¡bamos Nosotrosestudià ¡bamos con nuestros compaà ±eros. We used to study with our classmates. Vosotros estudiabais Vosotrosestudiabais la situacià ³n cuidadosamente. You used to study the situation carefully. Ustedes/ellos/ellas estudiaban Ellosestudiaban en la biblioteca. They used to study in the library. Future Indicative Yo estudiarà © Yo estudiarà ©para ser doctora. I will study to be a doctor. Tà º estudiarà ¡s Tà ºestudiarà ¡s italiano. You will study Italian. Usted/à ©l/ella estudiarà ¡ Ellaestudiarà ¡ mucho para el examen. She will study a lot for the exam. Nosotros estudiaremos Nosotrosestudiaremos con nuestros compaà ±eros. We will study with our classmates. Vosotros estudiarà ©is Vosotrosestudiarà ©is la situacià ³n cuidadosamente. You will study the situation carefully. Ustedes/ellos/ellas estudiarà ¡n Ellosestudiarà ¡n en la biblioteca. They will study in the library. Periphrastic Future Indicative The periphrastic future is usually translated to English as going to verb. Yo voy a estudiar Yo voy a estudiarpara ser doctora. I am going to study to be a doctor. Tà º vasa estudiar Tà ºvasa estudiar italiano. You aregoing to study Italian. Usted/à ©l/ella vaa estudiar Ellavaa estudiar mucho para el examen. She isgoing to study a lot for the exam. Nosotros vamosa estudiar Nosotrosvamosa estudiar con nuestros compaà ±eros. We aregoing to study with our classmates. Vosotros vaisa estudiar Vosotrosvaisa estudiar la situacià ³n cuidadosamente. You aregoing to study the situation carefully. Ustedes/ellos/ellas vana estudiar Ellosvana estudiar en la biblioteca. They aregoing to study in the library. Present Progressive/Gerund Form The gerund or present participle in Spanish is the -ing form in English, and it is used to form progressive tenses like the present progressive. Present Progressive ofEstudiar està ¡ estudiando Ella està ¡ estudiando mucho para el examen. She is studying a lot for the exam. Past Participle The past participle in Spanish usually ends in -ado or -ido. It can be used to form perfect tenses like the present perfect. Present Perfect of Estudiar ha estudiado Ella haestudiadomucho para el examen. She hasstudied a lot for the exam. Conditional Indicative The conditional tense is normally translated to English as would verb. Yo estudiarà a Yo estudiarà apara ser doctora si fuera mà ¡s joven. I would study to be a doctor if I were younger. Tà º estudiarà as Tà ºestudiarà as italiano si tuvieras tiempo. You would study Italian if you had time. Usted/à ©l/ella estudiarà a Ellaestudiarà a mucho para el examen, pero es muy perezosa. She would study a lot for the exam, but she is very lazy. Nosotros estudiarà amos Nosotrosestudiarà amos con nuestros compaà ±eros, pero ellos no quieren. We would study with our classmates, but they don't want to. Vosotros estudiarà ais Vosotrosestudiarà ais la situacià ³n cuidadosamente si fuerais detectives. You would study the situation carefully if you were detectives. Ustedes/ellos/ellas estudiarà an Ellosestudiarà an en la biblioteca si pudieran. They would study in the library if they could. Present Subjunctive Que yo estudie Mi madre sugiere que yo estudie para ser doctora. My mother suggests that I study to be a doctor. Que tà º estudies Mateo pide que tà º estudies italiano. Mateo asks that you study Italian. Que usted/à ©l/ella estudie El maestro recomienda que ella estudiemucho para el examen. The teacher recommends that she study a lot for the exam. Que nosotros estudiemos Carlos recomienda que nosotros estudiemoscon nuestros compaà ±eros. Carlos recommends that we study with our classmates. Que vosotros estudià ©is El juez sugiere que vosotros estudià ©is la situacià ³n cuidadosamente. The judge suggests that you study the situation carefully. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas estudien El bibliotecario sugiere que ellos estudien enla biblioteca. The librarian suggests that they study in the library. Imperfect Subjunctive The imperfect subjunctive has two different forms: Option 1 Que yo estudiara Mi madre sugirià ³ que yo estudiara para ser doctora. My mother suggested that I study to be a doctor. Que tà º estudiaras Mateo pedà a que tà º estudiaras italiano. Mateo asked that you study Italian. Que usted/à ©l/ella estudiara El maestro recomendaba que ella estudiaramucho para el examen. The teacher recommended that she study a lot for the exam. Que nosotros estudià ¡ramos Carlos recomendaba que nosotros estudià ¡ramoscon nuestros compaà ±eros. Carlos recommended that we study with our classmates. Que vosotros estudiarais El juez sugerà a que vosotros estudiarais la situacià ³n cuidadosamente. The judge suggested that you study the situation carefully. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas estudiaran El bibliotecario sugerà a que ellos estudiaran enla biblioteca. The librarian suggested that they study in the library. Option 2 Que yo estudiase Mi madre sugirià ³ que yo estudiase para ser doctora. My mother suggested that I study to be a doctor. Que tà º estudiases Mateo pedà a que tà º estudiases italiano. Mateo asked that you study Italian. Que usted/à ©l/ella estudiase El maestro recomendaba que ella estudiase mucho para el examen. The teacher recommended that she study a lot for the exam. Que nosotros estudià ¡semos Carlos recomendaba que nosotros estudià ¡semoscon nuestros compaà ±eros. Carlos recommended that we study with our classmates. Que vosotros estudiaseis El juez sugerà a que vosotros estudiaseis la situacià ³n cuidadosamente. The judge suggested that you study the situation carefully. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas estudiasen El bibliotecario sugerà a que ellos estudiasen enla biblioteca. The librarian suggested that they study in the library. ï » ¿Imperative To give someone an order or command, you need the imperative mood. Positive Commands Tà º estudia  ¡Estudia italiano! Study Italian! Usted estudie  ¡Estudie mucho para el examen! Study a lot for the exam! Nosotros estudiemos  ¡Estudiemos con nuestros compaà ±eros! Let's study with our classmates! Vosotros estudiad  ¡Estudiad la situacià ³n cuidadosamente! Study the situation carefully! Ustedes estudien  ¡Estudien en la biblioteca! Study in the library! Negative Commands Tà º no estudies  ¡No estudies italiano! Don't study Italian! Usted no estudie  ¡No estudie mucho para el examen! Don't study a lot for the exam! Nosotros no estudiemos  ¡No estudiemos con nuestros compaà ±eros! Let's not study with our classmates! Vosotros no estudià ©is  ¡No estudià ©is la situacià ³n cuidadosamente! Don't study the situation carefully! Ustedes no estudien  ¡No estudien en la biblioteca! Don't study in the library!
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
What Are the Four Main Islands of Japan
Japans mainland consists of four primary islands: Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku. In total, the country of Japan includes 6,852 islands, many of which are very small and uninhabited. When trying to remember where the major islands are located, you can think of the archipelago of Japan as a lowercase letter j. Hokkaido is the js dot.Honshu is the long body of the j.Shikoku and Kyushu make up the js sweeping curve. The Island of Honshu Honshu is the largest island and the core of Japan. It is also the seventh largest island in the world. On the island of Honshu, you will find the majority of the Japanese population and most of its major cities, including the capital of Tokyo. Because it is the center of Japan, Honshu is connected to the other primary islands via undersea tunnels and bridges. Roughly the size of the state of Minnesota, Honshu is a mountainous island and home to many of the countrys active volcanoes. Its most famous peak is Mt. Fuji. Major cities: Tokyo, Hiroshima, Osaka-Kyoto, Nagoya, Sendai, Yokohama, NiigataKey mountains: Mount Fuji (Japans highest point at 12,388 feet [3,776 m]), Mount Kita, Mount Hotaka, Hilda Mountains, Ou Mountains, Chugoku RangeOther key geographic features: Lake Biwa (Japans largest lake), Mutsu Bay, Inawashiro Lake, Tokyo Bay The Island of Hokkaido Hokkaido is the northernmost and second largest of the main Japanese islands. It is separated from Honshu by the Tsugaru Strait. Sapporo is the largest city on Hokkaido and also serves as the islands capital. The climate of Hokkaido is distinctly northern. It is known for its mountainous landscape, a number of volcanoes, and natural beauty. It is a popular destination for skiers and outdoor adventure enthusiasts and is home to many national parks, including Shiretoko National Park. During the winter, drift ice from the Okhotsk Sea creeps toward the northern coast, which is a sight to behold in late January. The island is also known for its many festivals, including the popular Winter Festival. Major cities: Sapporo, Hakodate, Obihiro, Asahikawa, Obihiro, Kitami, Shari, Abashiri, WakkanaiKey mountains: Mount Asahi (highest point on the island at 7,516 feet [2,291 m]), Mount Hakuun, Mount Akadake, Mount Tokachi (active volcano), Daisetsu-zan MountainsOther key geographic features: Sounkyo Gorge, Lake Kussharo, Lake Shikotsu The Island of Kyushu The third largest of Japans big islands, Kyushu is to the southwest of Honshu. This island is known for its semitropical climate, hot springs, and volcanoes, and the largest city on the island is Fukuoka. Kyushu is known as the Land of Fire because of its chain of active volcanoes, which include Mount Kuju and Mount Aso. Major cities: Fukuoka, Nagasaki, KagoshimaKey mountains: Mount Aso (active volcano), Mount Kuju, Mount Tsurumi, Mount Kirishima, Sakura-jima, IbusukiOther key geographic features: Kumagawa River (largest on Kyushu), Ebino Plateau, multiple small islands The Island of Shikoku Shikoku is the smallest of the four islands and is located to the east of Kyushu and southeast of Honshu. It is a picturesque and cultural island, boasting many Buddhist temples and the homes of famous haiku poets. Also a mountainous island, Shikokus mountains are small in comparison to others in Japan, as none of the islands peaks is higher than 6,000 feet (1,828 m). There are no volcanoes on Shikoku. Shikoku is home to a Buddhist pilgrimage that is known worldwide. Visitors can walk around the island visiting each of the 88 temples along the way. It is one of the oldest pilgrimages in the world. Major cities: Matsuyama, KochiKey mountains: Mount Sasagamine, Mount Higashi-Akaishi, Mount Miune, Mount TsurugiOther key geographic features: Inland Sea, Hiuchi-nada Sea, Bingonada Sea, Iyo-nada Sea
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Fallingwater Critque Free Essays
I TLD understand the building when I first saw It’s Image pop up, but with further Investigation, It grew on me. Maybe It Is because I am not an outdoorsy kind of person But the way the building Is designed, Is unique and quit intriguing. This building has many square edges, it seems basic along the outside of the building. We will write a custom essay sample on Fallingwater Critque or any similar topic only for you Order Now But it is when you look at the materials used, the rocks along the exterior walls and the red paned windows and railings that seem to bring everything all together. I still am not sure if I like the way the building is put together, but it works for it’s private and intimate location. It appears to have been always made for this location, the building seems almost natural. And the colors work very well together, again, all natural. Structure: The structure of the building varies with each area. There are 3 horizontal trays made up of reinforced concrete which form there three levels of the house. There are four piers, or bolsters anchored Into a boulder underneath the mall floor act as the fulcrum for the house. Counterbalancing weight to the back, or north side, of the house keep it from toppling into the stream. The cantilever, which is the long piece of concrete underneath the building is the basis for the entire structure. Materials: The materials which Frank Lloyd Wright has used to create the falling water building were very simple. He used sandstone, reinforced concrete, steel and glass. Which all the materials can be seen by loping right at the building. The building has many shapes and lines, but together it flows very peacefully. Some that re seen are pentagon, rectangle, semi-circle and squares pieces of the building. Talking about them separately, you wouldn’t think they would flow as nicely. But they do work together In this setting. Context: The environment and the building all do flow nicely together. If this building was built in a rural area in a community of other rural homes, it would NEVER fit in. But this building creates the environment and atmosphere as if it was always made to be there. It has become on with the river and surrounding landscape. It grows as the trees would grow that hover the river and building. How to cite Fallingwater Critque, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Hiroshima Essay Help Example For Students
Hiroshima Essay Help Hiroshima traces the experiences of six people who survived the atomic blast of August 6, 1945 at 8:15 am. The six people vary in age, education, financial status and employment. Miss Toshiko Sasaki, a personnel clerk; Dr. Masakazu Fuji, a physician; Mrs. Hatsuyo Nakamura, a tailors widow with three small children; Father Wilhelm Kleinsorge, a German missionary priest; Dr. Terufumi Sasaki, and the Reverend Kiyoshi Tanimoto are the six Hersey chose from dozens of people he interviewed. The book opens with what each person was doing moments before the blast and follows their next few hours, continuing through the next several days and then ending with their situation a year later. In the opening chapter, A Noiseless Flash he gives short scenarios of what each was doing moments before the blast and immediately after. At one point during the blast Dr. Sasaki says Sasaki gambare! which means be brave in English. The second chapter, The Fire, picks up with each victim as they begin to realize their surroundings. All face a different sort of horror as they realize their lives have been spared yet the world as they knew it is gone. A quote by Miss Sasaki kind of sums up with this chapter is all about I am lying here and I cant move. My left leg is cut off. Details Are Being Investigated is the title of the third chapter and as the title suggests, the people of Hiroshima are being bombarded with rumors about the bomb and eagerly await any official word. Information is scarce and the phrase details are being investigated is repeated throughout the city over word of mouth and other ways of communication. This chapter is the longest and talks about what is happening to the six as the day passes into night. At first I was confused by the title of the fourth chapter: Panic Grass and Feverfew. But I later realized it was talking about the effect the bomb had on the growth of the wild flowers and plants around Hiroshima. Two of these plants that grew a lot around the ruins of the city were panic grass and Feverfew. This chapter also traces the effect of the nuclear radiation on the residents. Four of the six suffer from radiation sickness in varying degrees. Hersey concludes the chapter with a report of where each victim is at this point in his or her life a year after the bomb had fallen. The fifth chapter called the Aftermath, Hersey returns to interview the six survivors and see how their lives have been altered by the blast and what they are now doing.
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